6 Tell-Tale Signs You May Be Suffering From Acid Reflux

If you think you might be suffering from acid reflux, getting a definitive answer might feel pretty tough – unless you go see the doctor. However, there are specific symptoms that you may have that will clue you into what’s going on.

In today’s blog, we’re going to give you a sort of “checklist” that you can use to determine if you have acid reflux… or maybe something else! So, what causes acid reflux, what are the symptoms of acid reflux, and what are your acid reflux treatment options? Let’s take a look.

What Causes Acid Reflux?

When it comes to the causes of acid reflux, most people will experience heartburn infrequently – for example, whenever they overeat. However, some people experience acid reflux all the time. For these people, a chronic loosening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) has occurred. This loosening can be caused by things like:

  • Pregnancy

  • Weight gain

  • Smoking

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Chronic overeating

What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

But how can you tell if you’re dealing with acid reflux and not something else? Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of reflux (even silent reflux). If two or more of these resonate with you, and you experience them more than once or twice during the week, it’s probably time to set up a visit with a specialist.

#1: Sour Taste in the Mouth

Stomach acid is very acidic, which will make it taste incredibly sour – even bitter – if you are regurgitating it into your mouth. Many people will also regurgitate stomach contents into the back of their throat and even nose. This will cause a painful burning sensation that triggers mucus production.

#2: Chest Pain

For some patients, chest pain is the only symptom. This can be concerning, of course, because we’re all taught that chest pain should always be addressed by a doctor – usually an emergency one. However, heartburn can feel like mild chest pain to those who aren’t familiar with it. A good rule of thumb is that if you take an antacid and the pain subsides, you aren’t experiencing heart troubles – just heartburn.

Related: Heartburn Or A Heart Attack? The Definitive Guide

#3: Trouble Swallowing

As you might expect, the constant regurgitation and refluxing of stomach acid is going to do a number on your esophagus. Many of our patients find that, if left untreated, GERD causes achalasia-like symptoms that make it difficult to swallow food and beverages. If you have trouble swallowing at times, it’s definitely time to talk to your doctor.

#4: Silent Reflux Symptoms

You may even be experiencing something called “silent reflux,” or LPR, if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Hoarseness

  • Constant need to clear your throat

  • Constantly irritated throat

  • Chronic cough

  • Feeling of having a lump in the throat

  • Shortness of breath

  • Neverending post-nasal drip

  • Ear infections (mostly in children)

#5: Nausea and/or Vomiting

While this isn’t necessarily a direct symptom of the reflux itself, many patients have sensitive gag reflexes, making reflux a trigger to nausea and vomiting. Nausea can also be an anxiety symptom – especially if you constantly live in fear of having a heartburn attack after eating. These two symptoms are fairly serious and warrant a visit with your doctor.

#6: Regurgitation of Food and/or Liquid

This symptom is really the crux of acid reflux – reflux means stomach contents are splashing back up into your esophagus due to a leaky sphincter. This will, quite literally, feel like you are breathing fire; it will burn and might even physically hurt. This is a tell-tale sign that you are suffering from acid reflux. 

If you are regurgitating food and beverages more than a couple times a week, make an appointment with our reflux specialists or ask for a referral to the Tampa Bay Reflux Center. Our team of reflux specialists can help you get your GERD under control with many different acid reflux treatment options or even fix it for good.
